C2C Safety News | Biosan II Disinfectant kills COVID-19
- by Jane Victoria

The Actichem team is excited to confirm that the COVID-19 kill performance of Biosan II (AP439) has been independently verified and listed with the TGA
Many technicians are very familiar with Biosan II and we would like to confirm usage and product details.
Biosan II is an anti-microbial decontaminant and hospital-grade disinfectant for use in surface disinfection and cleaning. Biosan II is used in hospitals, aged care homes, child care centres, schools, industry and medical laboratories. In fact, Biosan II is ideally suited to any application where disinfection and prevention of cross-contamination is critical. Biosan II is super versatile and exhibits serious cleaning power, making it a product that is gaining popularity fast.
The ultimate blend of high-activity biocides and quaternary ammonium compounds, plus the most advanced wetting technology, makes Biosan II incredibly effective as a disinfectant against a wide spectrum of micro-organisms.- Kills un-enveloped viruses and bacteria including MRSA, E-Coli and Pseudomonas
- Biosan II is a Hospital Grade Disinfectant
- Outstanding cleaning power
- Safe for use in food areas
- Kills mould and removes odours
- Kills Coronavirus SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19)
The Biosan II formula has not been altered to achieve the new virucidal claims. The traditional use of Biosan II in mould remediation and bio-decontamination in terms of dilutions and mode of use remains unchanged.
Recommended usage directions based on microlab testing are;
- Mould remediation – 1:14 with 8 minutes dwell time
- Dirty surface disinfection – 1:32 with 8 minutes dwell time
- Clean surface disinfection – 1:64 with 8 minutes dwell time.
Where COVID-19 specific disinfection is required:
COVID-19 – 1:16 with 10 minutes dwell time.
We have released a ready-to-use version of Biosan II which is mostly preferred in the healthcare sector.
To help distinguish between the concentrate (original Biosan II) and the ready-to-use version we will be making the concentrate a slightly darker tan/yellow.
Dwell time can best be achieved by not rinsing treated surfaces (clean surfaces only) and allowing to air dry.
Surfaces which are visibly dirty or/and contaminated must be rinsed with clear water after the given dwell time. Surfaces which are clean can be allowed to air dry which provides maximum disinfection action. However, excess moisture must be removed. Surfaces should not take longer than 30 minutes to air-dry.
At ready-to-use dilutions, Biosan II is safe to use on a wide variety of surfaces. Most water-cleanable surfaces are compatible with ready-to-use Biosan II. A few points to note are:- Moisture sensitive surfaces – Biosan II rtu will damage moisture-sensitive surfaces as much as water ingress will. Eg paper, cardboard, electronics, etc.
- StainMaster carpet – Biosan II will damage the treatment on 5th & 6th generation nylon. In many bio-contamination scenarios, this treatment is already compromised and the use of Biosan II is deemed suitable. Case by case assessment is required in these situations.
When diluted, Biosan II can be sprayed and fogged. Respiratory PPE must be worn by technicians and inhabitants must only be allowed to return after a minimum of 60 minutes. Possibly longer depending on ventilation characteristics.
The ingredients in Biosan II are all classified as safe for use in food preparation areas. However, it is not classified as a no-rinse sanitiser so surfaces must be rinsed with clear water or wiped dry.
Due to its TGA registration, certain label amendments were required which need to be read in the context of healthcare use which is TGA’s main focus. These statements are explained below;- Hard Surface Disinfectant Only – for hospitals this defines it as not being a product for laundry use, etc. In the restoration industry its recommended use on contaminated carpets and fibres still remains acceptable.
- Not to be used on skin – this distinguishes it from an antiseptic for wound care, etc. It is no more or less hazardous on skin as before. Always follow safety directions as provided.
- Not to be used on medical devices and other therapeutic devices – this statement distinguishes it from sterilants which are used for sterilising medical instruments which are used on humans, such as scalpels, needles, tubes, etc. All non-therapeutic/medical devices surfaces are safe for disinfecting with Biosan II as a hospital-grade disinfectant. This includes floors, walls, trolleys, beds, tables, desks, chairs, etc.
Order this product online HERE
(This article is originally posted from https://actichem.com.au/)